One of your best poems. Definitely!
You reminded me of a beautiful Greek song; Yuri's balad
Sky, no I will never say yes
Sky, my distant friend;
how can I accept the affection of other bosoms?
How can I accept? My mother is earth.
How can I deny the auriate light of life?
Ah sky, distant pain!
Each eventide I’m looking at the sky, the blue sky
and I’m hearing a voice, a festive bell, urging me
Each Sunday it’s telling me to go there, there, there
where weird birds are building their nests, towards towards the sun’s steps
Sky, no I will never say yes
Sky, my distant friend;
how can I accept the affection of other bosoms?
How can I accept? My mother is earth.
How can I deny the auriate light of life?
Ah sky, distant pain!
Each eventide I’m looking at the sky, the blue sky
and a crazy voice, both like a caress and a threat, is calling me towards it
Each Sunday it’s telling me to go there, there, there
promising me, oceans, bright comets and whatever the mind can conceive
Sky, no I will never say yes
Sky, my distant friend;
how can I accept the affection of other bosoms?
How can I accept? My mother is earth.
How can I deny the auriate light of life?
Ah sky, distant pain!