Nothing has only positive or only negative consequences. So, both being a parent and not being a parent are accompanied by pleasant and unpleasant things. And these are subjective. Something that's good/easy/pleasant/meaningful to me could be the opposite to you, etc.
So, putting them on a "scale", taking into account our personal quality standards as criteria, we choose.
Choosing and taking responsibility means I don't whine when I see the positive characteristics of the other choice(the one that I didn't make), I don't feel superior when I look at the negative things of the other choice(the one that I didn't make).
I see the whole range of the two options, and I remember why I chose what I chose.
Also, there is always a way to put harmoniously into your life the advantages of the "other" side.
In a different way, but you can.
This is my viewpoint.
And this is a very honest and beautiful story of yours, Steve.