Member-only story
Mistake: Guilt Machine or Great Legacy?
How to transform mistakes into lessons
Since our childhood, we have always been bombarded with the notion that a mistake is something we have done wrong, something we should not do, something like leprosy. In school notebooks, it is imprinted by the red markings of the teacher’s pen. At home, it is expressed by the disapproving look on the parents’ faces or, possibly, by their yelling. Among friends, there‘ll be laughing or comments.
It follows us
As the years pass by, until adulthood and after our integration into the “18 and over” category, the majority’s attitude towards the concept of mistake — whether expressed this way or in words such as “failure” — is about the same. The mindset that mistake/wrong is equal to a disaster has already been cultivated within us and guilt has already been …planted.
Mistakes have the capacity of appearing everywhere. At school and studies, at work, in our daily life, in our relationships. No one can avoid them. There are where people exist. Have you ever wondered why?
Circles until getting the suitable lesson
“Experience is the name people give to their mistakes,” according to Oscar Wilde. Experience, if used correctly, helps to avoid the same mistakes…