If it is to be an ocean, it will be an ocean. Whatever serves the purpose and what M is to realize. It doesn’t matter, as long as the self-awareness is increased.
If a drop of heaven is tasted, the whole heaven has been tasted. Heaven and one drop of it are of the same essence. Quantity isn’t the point here.
Being a drop of the Self is enough to know how it is. It’s only widening to Its extend that is needed, not increasing the “quantity” of it.
I think M’s journey is very didactic; it teaches him things without saying “this is a lesson, you have to learn this”, etc. Self is like a great teacher; one of those who don’t push and don’t put themselves higher than the “lessons”; just letting the learners follow their own path, learn when the time is suitable.
Thank you for mentioning “Apopsis”, Patrick.