At first I thought: You confuse me with your republishing, Jack!
(I had read it when you published it for the first time. I think it was a bit longer, but it doesn't matter now)
But then I found the idea of reading and responding again interesting. I tried to remember what had I responded back then. Only for a few seconds. Then, I thought "who cares? I will comment based on what I am now".
The soul decides to come back, because it's timeless, and it also needs the body, the personality to use the physical battlefield of evolution for know!
For the personality, things are more complicated!
As long as it believes that it is just a body and that death is the end, it will choose life with all of its shit (and beauties).
But, isn't that belief the only path through which we can be free of that belief itself?!
Oh, how wonderfully and wisely are we "designed"!